Thursday, September 20, 2018

This will be the final post to the lansing weavers blog. As social media technologies evolve, the guild has moved to Facebook. The page is Greater Lansing Weavers Guild. Contact email remains

Happy Weavings.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Last night was the Guild’s pot luck dinner.  All I can say there was great food and a wide variety.  Not only can our group weave, they can cook! 

This was our last formal meeting until September.  Have a great summer. 

I’ve included a few photos of show and tell that our members brought.


Thursday, May 10, 2018

At our April meeting, we met at the Hen House in Charlotte.  This is where our guild library is housed.  Great meeting, lots of conservations with everyone. 

May was our business meeting where elections were held and reports given.  We did have a special ballot this year concerning our meeting times and place.  The final results of the vote by the entire membership were to continue meeting on Tuesday evenings at St. Matthew Lutheran Church.  It was also decided that we would not meet the months of January and February, but instead would meet in July and August.  Then we had a discussion about “Murphy’s Law” in weaving – we have all had those!  Members also brought their show and tells.

 Here are some photos of the show and tells.

Saturday, April 7, 2018

DON'T FORGET................

Come to The Hen House for our April 10th Guild meeting and take a personal look at the library collections and other materials which the Guild owns. Look through your Library Holdings package and possibly think about what book, magazine or DVD you would like to hold in your hands that night. There is lots to choose from.

 Many books in the Guild collection are out of print; some long forgotten, others still very desirable. It could be the Textiles of Highland Guatemala, by Lisa O’Neale, which a few years ago, weaver/author Deborah Chandler contacted us about purchasing. It is out of print and to some, a collectible. At that time it was worth $250.00.  Current Amazon listings show two books available, one for $148.00 and one for $460.00.

 Or maybe Marian Powell’s book titled:  1000 Patterns in 4,6, and 8 harness Shadow Weaves, which one of our members purchased at a weaving store for $50.00.  and it also is out of print and sometimes mentioned in many articles. Current Amazon listings, show two books available, one for $195.00 and one for $285.00.
Hope to see you all there.


Monday, March 19, 2018

At our February meeting, we talked about all the different shuttles there are and the best uses for them.   Of course along with shuttles, we had all the different bobbins.  It was a great meeting along with being very interesting.

Then at our March meeting we had a discussion about the nuts and bolts of weaving rag rugs.  This presentation was done by our resident rag rug weaver  – Leslie Johnson.  Lots of information and examples very there for all to look at and enjoy.

Here are some of our show and tells.


Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Lynn Hershberger  [aka ColorJoy] was the presenter at our January meeting.  Lynn has been studying the combining of colors for over three decades and teaching for nearly twenty years.   In the presentation she showed combinations of colors and explained why they worked or not.  She broke down the color jargon into concepts that everyone understood.  She also introduced tried and true combination methods that have with stood the test of time.  It was a very interesting and fun evening.





After the program, we had our "Show and Tell segment.  Here are a few photographs:

See you next month.